Dittles Cooks is my project to present quick, easy and healthy recipes for the busy home chef.

After years of enjoying home-cooked food growing up, I had to learn cooking from scratch when I moved countries, and it was been an absolute joy experimenting and learning! Through this blog, I hope to share recipes with easy-to-find ingredients (and their substitutes), relatively standard techniques, and most of all, catered to a busy schedule.

The website is divided into three categories – light eats, meals, and desserts – so take your pick and dive in. All recipes are prepared by me, unless credited otherwise (I bake a lot of Nigella Lawson’s recipes, so expect to see those breaking the health rules 😊)

If you’d like to share some feedback (good or not-so-great), or simply suggest an edit in a recipe, don’t hesitate to write to me on Instagram at @DittlesCooks or leave a message on my Contact page, I’d be honoured to hear from you.

Happy cooking!