Green pea soup

Cooking notes

  • Serves 3 bowls

  • Adapted from Manjula’s Kitchen: Her recipes are easy, healthy and quick to make!

  • I know the photos aren't great, but the soup’s delicious =)


  • 2 cups frozen green peas

  • 1 teaspoon ginger paste or 1-inch shredded ginger

  • 1½ tablespoon oil

  • ½ teaspoon salt

  • 2 cups water

For seasoning:

  • 1 tablespoon oil

  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds (jeera)

  • ¼ teaspoon fenugreek seeds (methi dana)

  • ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder (haldi)

  • 3 tablespoons cream (whipping/cooking – anything available)

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

  • ¼ teaspoon garam masala

  • 1/8th teaspoon black pepper


  1. Thaw the frozen peas in a microwave for about 2 minutes. Then, blend them into coarse paste using ¼ cup of water.

  2. Heat 1½ tablespoon of oil in a non-stick pan and put in the peas, ginger paste, and salt. Stir fry the mix over medium heat by stirring constantly for about 5 minutes. Set aside in a container.

  3. In another pan, heat 1 tablespoon of oil over medium heat. [Test the heat by adding one cumin seed to the oil; if seed cracks right away oil is ready, usually takes about 1 minute]. Add the cumin seeds, they should crack in 1 minute max.

  4. Once the cumin seeds crack, add the fenugreek seeds and turmeric. Stir for 10 seconds. Add ½ cup of water to this mix and let it come to a boil.

  5. Once boiling, add the cooked green peas mix, and cream, stir well. Add another 1½ cups of water. As it comes to a boil, lower the heat to simmer, cover the saucepan and let it cook for about 20 minutes.

  6. Turn off the heat. Add lemon juice, black pepper, and garam masala. Stir well and let it rest covered for 3 minutes.

  7. Serve hot! Feel free to add more black pepper or lemon juice per your taste.